Analysis of Jovian low-frequency radio emissions based on stereoscopic observations with Juno and Earth-based radio telescopes. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8|

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14 août 2018

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« Analysis of Jovian low-frequency radio emissions based on stereoscopic observations with Juno and Earth-based radio telescopes. Planetary Radio Emissions|PLANETARY RADIO EMISSIONS VIII 8| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10.1553/PRE8s13


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Observations of Jupiter’s low-frequency radio emissions were made using the radio and plasma wave instrument (Waves) onboard the Juno spacecraft in polar orbit around Jupiter since July 5, 2016. Waves is designed to monitor the electric fields of waves from 50 Hz to 41 MHz with an electric dipole antenna and the magnetic fields of waves from 50 Hz to 20 kHz with a magnetic search coil sensor. The Juno spacecraft rotates with a period of 30 s, which modulates the spectral intensity sensed with the dipole antenna. We report early results of the Juno Waves investigation on (1) the direction–finding measurements of broadband kilometric (bKOM) radiation just before Juno’s first perijove, (2) one concurrent decametric (DAM) radiation from the Juno spacecraft near Jupiter and the Nan¸cay Decameter Array in France during Juno’s interplanetary cruise, and (3) the statistical properties of Jovian DAM radio occurrence probability at 16 MHz obtained from Juno data of June 21 to December 10, 2016, then compared with the previous statistical results of the Cassini and Voyager observations during their Jupiter flybys.

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