Interrogating the social dynamics of dance practices: The case of Odissi

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30 mai 2023

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info:eu-repo/grantAgreement//101033051/EU/Gender asymmetry in the transmission of Odissi dance in India – a case study/GATRODI


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Barbara Čurda, « Interrogating the social dynamics of dance practices: The case of Odissi », HAL-SHS : études de genres, ID : 10670/1.jr0rwn


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During the 20th century, in varied countries, many dance forms developed, that showcased national cultures. Indian classical dances, which appeared in the context of India’s move towards independence, are one example of such phenomena. However, in the India of the 2020ies, historical, economical, urban, social, technological situations have considerably evolved. So what is the relevance of these practices to those who continue to engage with them?This presentation will highlight the particular case of Odissi classical dance in India, and more specifically in the State of Odisha, considered to be its home. Drawing from research touching different periods of its development since its inception in the 1950ies, it will examine aspects of the transmission of Odissi. How has the dance, over decades, inscribed itself not only into the agendas of cultural policies, but also into the particular interface of the rural and urban dynamics of the State Odisha, especially around its capital city, Bhubaneswar?As through the transmission of this dance, interactions take place between people who belong to a wide span of socio-cultural groups – notably rural/urban, Odiya/ non Odiya, male/female -, the presentation will highlight the particular patterns of class and gender relations that have emerged, favouring specific power configurations within the networks of Odissi dance practitioners. How do these show in the daily interactions between these individuals? How have the greater economic, urban, technological developments affected these equilibriums, and how is the dance affected by such changes? Looking both at the overall dynamics and at detailed qualitative analyses, these are some of the questions that will be addressed here.

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