Interweaving Mathematical-News-Snapshots as a facilitator for the development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching

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6 février 2019

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Ruti Segal et al., « Interweaving Mathematical-News-Snapshots as a facilitator for the development of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.k6s0rp


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The study described in this paper accompanies a three-year R&D project that is currently in its final year. Participants are 25 high school mathematics teachers, of whom 14 have started their 2nd year and 11 are currently in their 3rd year of integrating Mathematical-News-Snapshots in their classes. This study examines the effect of integrating these snapshots in the ordinary high school curriculum on the development of several components of Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. The findings indicate that teachers perceive the integration of Snapshots of contemporary mathematics as contributing to the development of their Specialized Content Knowledge, Knowledge of Content and Students, and Horizon Content Knowledge.

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