Atlas des amphibiens du canton de Vaud

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Jérôme Pellet et al., « Atlas des amphibiens du canton de Vaud », Serveur académique Lausannois, ID : 10670/1.kbzmbg


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Amphibians constitute one of the most threatened taxa in Switzerland. Half of them are on the verge of extinction, as their reproduction is dependent on aquatic environments that have been battered for more than a century. To counter this negative dynamic, conservation measures must be informed by a clear diagnosis of the distribution of the species, the location of the issues at stake and conservation measures to reverse the general trend. Following an intensive field survey campaign carried out in 2020 at 325 amphibian breeding sites, it became clear that a new assessment was needed, 45 years after the previous cantonal inventory. The past and current distribution of the 14 species of amphibians in the canton are presented, as well as the aspects of their ecology that are crucial for their conservation. Recommendations are made on a territorial basis in order to target the implementation of measures where they are most likely to have an impact.

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