Palladio III, 30: un autentico caso di nominatiuus pendens?

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Vincenzo Ortoleva, « Palladio III, 30: un autentico caso di nominatiuus pendens? », MOM Éditions, ID : 10670/1.ke6usq


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The first sentence of Palladius’ Opus agriculturae III, 30 runs as follows: Vites quae lacrimarum nimietate tabescunt et deplorando uim roboris sui auertuntur a fructu, trunco earum lacerato Graeci sinum fieri iubent. Apart from Schmalz 1915, who regarded uites as an accusative, scholars (especially Havers 1925, Svennung 1935 and Rodgers 1975b) have believed there is in the expression an occurrence of the so called nominatiuus pendens. In my opinion I do not think that Palladius employed here (or elsewhere) the construction of the ‘hanging’ nominative and I propose two alternative solutions: 1) this is a case of the so-called attractio inuersa, where uites is a nominative for the genitive uitium; 2) uites is an accusative depending on Graeci sinum fieri iubent, where sinum fieri (which translates the Greek compound ἑλκοποιέω of geopon. V, 38, 2, Palladius’ source) has to be considered almost as a single verb (see the expression ludos facere aliquem, also employed in passive clauses by Plautus).

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