دوافع موافقة السلطنة العثمانية على انتقال إمارة جبل لبنان إلى الشهابيين Ottoman motives for approving the Shihabids sovereignty over mount Lebanon Ar En

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29 mai 2024

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Bassem باسم فليفل Fleifel, « دوافع موافقة السلطنة العثمانية على انتقال إمارة جبل لبنان إلى الشهابيين », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.6084/m9.figshare.25957114.v1


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This study discusses the reasons that led the Ottoman Sultanate to accept transmitting the rule of Mount Lebanon from the Ma'nid dynasty to the Shihabid, after the death of Emir Ahmed Ma’an in 1108 H. / 1697 CE. Ever since Syria became part of the Ottoman Empire, the Ma’nids launched a series of revolts against the Sultanate, starting in the early 16th century up till the late 17th century, which prompted Dr Abdul Rahim Abu-Husayn, an Ottoman history teacher at the American University of Beirut, to call it “the long Druze rebellion”. After the death of the childless Emir Ahmed, his emirate was to devolve to his closest legal heirs, the Shihabids, the Ma’nids closest of kin. Although logically the sultanate should have appointed a Wali or an Emir with direct connections to it, to rule over Mount Lebanon, prevent local disturbances, and halt European ambitions in this part of the empire populated by sectarian minorities and local leaders aspiring to cooperate with the west for economic, religious and cultural reasons. Yet, the sultanate agreed to this shift in authority, accepting the Shihabid rule, prompted by European political developments, and other local reasons that limited Western influences on this part of the empire.

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