Production des risques dits « naturels » dans les grands centres urbains du Cameroun

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Cet article examine les facteurs de production des risques dits « naturels » dans les grandes villes du Cameroun. D’une approche historique, il ressort que l’établissement d’agglomérations dans des sites d’aménagement difficile est à la base du problème. Le manque de ressources ainsi que la forte croissance démographique qui caractérisent les pays les moins avancés (PMA) en général et le Cameroun en particulier sont du point de vue anthropique les causes de la forte sensibilité aux risques naturels. Il se pose aussi le problème de l’ambiguïté du système foncier qui n’aide pas à la maîtrise de l’espace. L’incapacité des autorités et de la protection civile à gérer l’espace urbain consolide la vulnérabilité. Les changements climatiques diminuent la perception et l’acceptation des risques par les populations et augmentent leur fréquence.

Production of so-called “natural” risks in major urban centers of CameroonThis paper looks into the causes of the production of so-called “natural” risks in major cities of Cameroon. From a historical approach, it appears that the establishment of settlements in uneven sites (steep slopes, swampy areas, rugged plateaus, coastal plains) is at the root of the problem. The lack of resources that characterizes the Least Developed Countries in general and Cameroon in particular, coupled with a high population growth are some anthropogenic factors expressing the high sensitivity to natural hazards. It also raises the problem of the ambiguity of the land tenure system with the intervention of non-institutional actors (population and traditional rulers) which does not help in a production of adequate plots for construction. The inability of urban authorities and the administrative services to take good care of the urbanization process multiply the vulnerability. Climate changes (increase of temperature and rainfall disturbances) reinforce hazards, increase the frequency, and reduce risk perception and acceptance of the population. Floods, landslides, rock falls, drought, coastal erosion and gullying are main natural hazards that cause important damages in Cameroonian cities every year. It is important to find adequate solutions including all key actors and parameters to minimize as far as possible losses.

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