Supply Chain Management: Some Reflections to Improve its Influence in Business Strategy

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1 septembre 2021

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Supply chain management

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Carlos Raúl Arredondo et al., « Supply Chain Management: Some Reflections to Improve its Influence in Business Strategy », Innovar, ID : 10670/1.ks8sip


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Supply Chain Managment (SCM) is a nearly new discipline of management that can be seen in different ways. However, only a strategic approach of SCM that leads to subsequent tactical decisions and operational implementation will provide the benefits that SCM promises. A presentation of the evolution of SCM from its beginnings as part of Operations Management (OM) to an independent field in management has the objective of determining its correct scope. Therefore, this work examined papers where the research agenda of both OM and SCM -from the beginnings of these disciplines to these days- has been discussed, in order to show the evolution of SCM as a field of high relevance in OM. The strategic nature of SCM and the importance of considering this discipline in such a way is emphasized, arguing that is a narrow view thinking of SCM as directly related to logistics as its main focus, since this logistic vision creates a bias that limits the real scope of SCM. In order for this strategic vision of SCM to be correctly implemented, it is crucial to know both how the role and the profile of SC managers should be.

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