Le passé, le présent et le futur du droit comparé: cérémonie du 15 mai 2017 en l'honneur de 5 grands comparatistes

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Mary Ann Glendon et al., « Le passé, le présent et le futur du droit comparé: cérémonie du 15 mai 2017 en l'honneur de 5 grands comparatistes », Archive ouverte de Sciences Po (SPIRE), ID : 10670/1.kugj9r


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éditeur : "This book is published by the International Academy of Comparative Law to honor five great comparatists: Jean-Louis Baudouin from Canada, Xavier Blanc-Jouvan from France, Mary Ann Glendon from the United States of America, Hein Kötz from Germany, and Rodolfo Sacco from Italy. The five great minds present their thoughts on the past, the present and future of comparative law and in doing so they particularly focus on the future of the International Academy of Comparative Law, comparative law methodology and the teaching of comparative law ... Moreover, the views presented suggest how the role of the Academy can be developed in order to deal with the current challenges of comparative law."

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