La syllabe et la construction de l'énoncé en FLE

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9 septembre 2014

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Maria Fernandez, « La syllabe et la construction de l'énoncé en FLE », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10670/1.kwd5am


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Building enunciation and syllabification in FFL. We propose an approach based on the notion of syllabic constituency applying to repetitive utterances in oral FFL corpora. In the very act of communication inexpert speakers produce falsifiable syntactic units in dynamic interaction with his interlocuter. These units are trying to be significative and close to syllabification of standard French. The characteristic utterances of inexperienced speakers present odd prosodic words if we compare them with standard french speakers expected ones. Using a protocol of syllabic transcription we can interpret segmental positions in significant but syntactic deviant speech utterances ; we suppose that the acoustic images in phonetic words work by iconic memory impressions applying to endophasic representations. The prosodic system of interlanguage learner produces two accentual patterns : extrametricity of some segmental positions and various types of unusual breaks. We can reinterpret these positions by suppletion by introducing a metrical segmental element : the glottal stop. Utterances are then rewritten in order to respect french syllabification. This is particularly useful in the field of didactics because it makes it possible to elaborate free corrective exercises that do not concern grammar, but any articulary syntax of higher level concerning metrical parameters. The phonological ability to dissociate acoustic image of syllable components from operative word iconicity is in the ground of this new approach. Press and advertising speech, reflect the conscious use of this strategy which distorts syntactic parameters to create expressive speech. Proverbial expressions and paremiology show also similar characteristic patterns.

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