Validación de la encuesta de comportamiento alimentario en adolescentes escolarizadas de Bucaramanga, Colombia

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Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría

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Laura del Pilar Cadena Afanador et al., « Validación de la encuesta de comportamiento alimentario en adolescentes escolarizadas de Bucaramanga, Colombia », Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatría, ID : 10670/1.l2mbax


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"Objective: To determine internal consistencyand criterion validity of the Eating BehaviorQuestionnaire (ECA) among adolescents, forthe screening of eating disorders (ED).Design: Study of validation with naturalisticsampling. 243 students were selected atrandom from 1595 eligible from three schoolsof Bucaramanga, Colombia, and were eva-luated with ECA and CIDI independently andblindly. Main measurements: Demographiccharacteristic, factors analysis, Cronbach’salpha, sensitivity analysis, specificity andforecast values, Cohen mean kappa test, andROC curve. Results: The prevalence of theED in the studied population is 30.0%. For24 or more points, sensitivity found was91.8%, specificity 52.4% , the Cohen meankappa was 0.341, the area under the ROCcurve was 0.841. Three domains were foundthat explain the 72.6% of the variance, theCronbach’s alpha for the eleven questions ofthe three domains was 0.636. Conclusions:The ECA is an acceptable alternative forscreening groups of adolescents"

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