Humanizing nursing care : an analysis of caring theories through the lens of humanism

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3 mai 2023

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Dimitri Létourneau et al., « Humanizing nursing care : an analysis of caring theories through the lens of humanism », Papyrus : le dépôt institutionnel de l'Université de Montréal, ID : 10.20467/1091-5710.21.1.32


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Humanism’s tenets are rarely described in regard to the theories of our discipline. In this article, we outline the historical origins of the humanism movements along with its etymology in order to analyze the assumptions that were brought up by selected North American nursing scholars related to human caring. We then detail each perspective while linking their premises with the roots of humanism. While discussing humanistic caring theories in nursing, we clarify relational concepts such as mutuality, reciprocity, authenticity, and human potential. We finally conclude with a summary of the main tenets of humanism and its implications for nursing practice.

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