TWG4: Students' and teachers' practices: Group report

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12 septembre 2020

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Irene Biza et al., « TWG4: Students' and teachers' practices: Group report », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.lb40rt


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The fourth Topic Working Group (TWG4) of the third conference of the International Network for Didactic Research in University Mathematics (INDRUM2020) was dedicated to students' and teachers' practices in the teaching and learning of mathematics at university level. Eleven papers and three posters were proposed and discussed in two thematic groups: digital or other resources and the use of technology and teachers' practices and innovations. In this report, we present a synthesis of the papers and the posters in each thematic group. Also, we present a summary of our discussion on emerging issues related to the recent Covid-19 outbreak, especially in relation to the shift to online or blended modes of teaching. We conclude with a reflection on the studies presented on the TWG4 and propositions for future research.

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