Martin Prozesky and 'Well-being': Retroactive and proactive perspectives on religion and ethics in the social transformation of South Africa

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1 janvier 2018

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Religion and ethics

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Johannes A. Smit et al., « Martin Prozesky and 'Well-being': Retroactive and proactive perspectives on religion and ethics in the social transformation of South Africa », Journal for the Study of Religion, ID : 10670/1.le470j


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This article primarily outlines the discursive threads in Prozesky's 'Implications of Apartheid for Christianity in South Africa' in the book he edited, Christianity Amidst Apartheid: Selected Perspectives on the Church in South Africa ([1985] 1990); his first book, Religion and Ultimate Well-Being: An Explanatory Theory (1984); and his latest book, Conscience: Ethical Intelligence for Global Well-Being (2007). This is under three headings: Apartheid as Heresy; Explaining Religion; and Conscience Ethics. We conclude with some appreciative and critical reflections, that we believe, can take Prozesky's life-long project, further. This is positioned in the social transformation paradigm.

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