Going West? The dissemination of Neolithic innovations between the Bosporus and the Carpathians. Introduction

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This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book offers an overview of the state of research and the state of hypotheses concerning the Neolithisation of the west and northwest Pontic areas, providing at the same time some useful guideposts for future investigations. It attempts to overcome artificial restrictions, but it is a grave heritage that impedes a profound understanding of cultural processes. The book explores the traditional models for explaining the spread of the Neolithic way of life, basing on evidence from settlements, absolute chronology, material culture, as well as traditions and rituals. The majority of the 7th millennium sites are concentrated in the western part of the Aegean coast, west of the Chalkidiki Peninsula and along the Thermaic Gulf. Concerning the diffusion of innovations farther north, different possibilities are envisaged for both maritime and terrestrial routes.

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