The Mint of Thessalonica in the Early Byzantine Period

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David M. Metclaf, « The Mint of Thessalonica in the Early Byzantine Period », Publications de l'École Française de Rome, ID : 10670/1.lio9bc


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A survey of the gold and copper coinages minted at Thessalonica between c. 408 and c. 629 concentrates attention on the gold because that represents the major part of the output by value. Thessalonica minted gold because the praefectus praetorio per Illyricum enjoyed comitatensian powers. The volume of gold coinage minted varied widely from time to time. There were exceptionally large issues, apparently, in the years 443-50, possibly to meet the needs of an extensive building programme in Thessalonica itself. Hoards of gold from Illyricum contain in general a very low proportion of coins minted in Thessalonica, mainly because the output of the Constantinople mint was relatively so much greater. This nevertheless raises questions about the connexion between monetary circulation in the prefecture and taxation. The copper coinage (which is dated, and therefore allows precise connexions between historical events and the work of the mint to be considered) illustrates the effects of the Slavonic settlement of Illyricum. The loss of Byzantine control during the seventh century is reflected in the absence of any hoards from the prefecture later than the reign of Heraclius, except at Athens.

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