Perceptions about accreditation and quality management in higher education. Development of a spanish-language questionnaire with a sample of academics from a private university

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1 décembre 2020

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Luis González-Bravo et al., « Perceptions about accreditation and quality management in higher education. Development of a spanish-language questionnaire with a sample of academics from a private university », Calidad en la educación, ID : 10670/1.llc8eh


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Quality improvement policies occupy a central place in higher education and represent important requirements for educational institutions in a globalized economy, and quality- related processes legitimacy is enhanced by the participation of academic community. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop and validate a Spanish-language scale intended to assess perceptions about the accreditation process and the quality management in Higher Education Institutions. Based on prior findings, and using a one-time, cross-sectional design, 339 academics across four Chilean major academic cities were surveyed. Using structural equation modeling, two solutions with adequate fit indices were found: a four-factor solution comprised of Institutional relevance of accreditation, Objectivity of accreditation evaluation, Internal Quality Unit relevance for accreditation, Value of accreditation to educational system, as main constructs, and a six-factors solution, which included two additional constructs, i.e., Continuous Quality Management value and Students’ participation value. The questionnaire developed in our research allows higher education institutions to objectively assess and quantify the benefits of quality management and accreditation. Its results are particularly pertinent for countries with Spanish as an official language, taking into account the importance of internationalization of higher education.

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