The transformation of the city of Zion: From decadence to justice and prophetic hope (Is. 1:1-2:5)

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This article focuses on the story of the transformation of the city called Zion. Isaiah 1:1-2:5 is the key to the book. This chapter describes the failure of Israel to be the people of God: Israel's covenant breach, a corrupted cult and imminent punishment. It tells of the existence of two groups within Israel: the righteous remnant who would be saved and the wicked who would be judged. This chapter furthermore presents the reader with a picture of decadent Jerusalem whose sacrifices are rejected and whose prayers are no longer accepted. Isaiah 1 contains a warning of judgement against Jerusalem, whereas Isaiah 2:1-5 sketches the prophetic hope for Zion, which would lead to a pilgrimage of the nations to receive the Torah on Zion.

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