Ancient Manuscripts and Virtual Research Environments

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25 mars 2021

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Claire Clivaz et al., « Ancient Manuscripts and Virtual Research Environments », HAL-SHS : histoire de l'art, ID : 10670/1.lp5xuz


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In open access: volume of Classics@ explores and analyses a methodological turn in ancient studies: the practice of presenting harvested data in ancient manuscripts within virtual research environments (VREs). What changes when research on ancient manuscripts occurs in a VRE, especially in early Jewish and Christian literature, New Testament, and Classical works? Does it matter if we undertake research in a digital medium rather than in a traditional print context? How does working with digital images and born-digital data intersect with the traditional print mentalities that have until recently defined philological research? Because VREs offer wide and usually free access to diverse information regardless of one’s geographical location, they continue to have an outsized influence on the research landscape of the humanities in more complex ways.

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