The State of the Art in Trust and Reputation Systems: A Framework for Comparison

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1 août 2010

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Trust (Psychology)

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Zeinab Noorian et al., « The State of the Art in Trust and Reputation Systems: A Framework for Comparison », Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, ID : 10670/1.lqqo72


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We introduce a multidimensional framework for classifying and comparing trust and reputation (T&R) systems. The framework dimensions encompass both hard and soft features of such systems including different witness location approaches, various reputation calculation engines, variety of information sources and rating systems which are categorised as hard features, and also basic reputation measurement parameters, context diversity checking, reliability and honesty assessment and adaptability which are referred to as soft features. Specifically, the framework dimensions answer questions related to major characteristics of T&R systems including those parameters from the real world that should be imitated in a virtual environment. The proposed framework can serve as a basis to understand the current state of the art in the area of computational trust and reputation and also help in designing suitable control mechanisms for online communities. In addition, we have provided a critical analysis of some of the existing techniques in the literature compared within the context of the proposed framework dimensions.

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