30 novembre 2019
Ce document est lié à :
Birgit Pepin et al., « Mathematics Teachers as Curriculum Designers: An International Perspective to Develop a Deeper Understanding of the Concept », HALSHS : archive ouverte en Sciences de l’Homme et de la Société, ID : 10.1007/978-3-030-20393-1_6
In this chapter, we investigate the notion of “teachers as curriculum designers” from the literature and from six international perspectives. This is done in order to (1) develop a deeper understanding of the concept, and (2) provide an international perspective and illustrations of the different facets of teacher design. Based on this investigation, we could identify different modes of teacher design: from teacher design activities at micro level (e.g., lesson preparation alone or in small groups), over those at meso level (e.g., D/designing in collectives of colleagues for the purpose of use by others), to Design at macro level (e.g., involvement in the design of national frameworks by professional design teams for the use of many others). More generally, we claim that the often casually used term of “teacher design” has different meanings in different contexts and that teacher design activities may be for different purposes and for different expected end results. A major distinction is whether the design is more oriented towards the process, or the product. We argue that the most promising form of teacher design might lie at the crossroads between product and process orientation, with connections between the two. This has implications for teacher education and professionalism.