Mission au Siam (1893) : Chantier de lavage de graviers aurifères sur le torrent du Khong-Thong. (Prov[ince]. de Bang-ta-ph'an) 2 Siamois. Birman. Européen.

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Bel Jean-Marc (1855-1930), « Mission au Siam (1893) : Chantier de lavage de graviers aurifères sur le torrent du Khong-Thong. (Prov[ince]. de Bang-ta-ph'an) 2 Siamois. Birman. Européen. », Bibliothèque numérique Humazur, ID : 10670/1.lux8i3


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Cette photographie montre une recherche d'or dans le lit d'un torrent. Cette entreprise semble avoir été un échec si l'on se fie à un commentaire sur celle-ci dans un livre de 1908 : "Further north on the east coast of the peninsula is situated Bangtaphan, the scene of another British effort to work gold in Siam. The effort ended in failure after the expenditure of a large amount of capital. The company, which was known as the Gold Fields of Siam, Ltd., was floated in 1888 with a capital of £ 250,000, and their lease expired in 1896. As far as I can ascertain, no gold was obtained by the company ; certainly, no royalty was ever paid to the Government on gold produced. The natives still work the streams round Bangtaphan for gold, though it can hardly be said to amount to a regular industry.".

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