Deviance, its alterities and its contemporary forms

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Ari Sitas et al., « Deviance, its alterities and its contemporary forms », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10670/1.ma3up4


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Instead of the end of history, the 21st century seems to be “lurching from crisis to crisis” (Klugman, 2008:184.) In the parlance of this project deviance was perceived to be on the increase, the phase could be seen as anomalic, the polarizations in the world seem acute and there are very few clear fixers on the horizon. The current period is as chaotic as the 17th century was. The main characters of this story one could argue were Maggie Thatcher, Deng Xiao Ping, a Cohort of Sheiks, a few Swiss Bankers and a computer linked to an internet galaxy. The rest is detail. Is it? Thatcherism and its attack at and then the restructuring of the welfare state, its new market orthodoxy and its “monetarism” was a precursor of what was to develop into a new ideology of institutional change: neo-liberalism. There was a serious effort to fix all institutions by making them accountable or sensitive to the market from the prison system to the classroom.

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