Prophets praying for, or preying on people's faith: A reflection on prophetic ministry in the South African context

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1 janvier 2019

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Hulisani Ramantswana, « Prophets praying for, or preying on people's faith: A reflection on prophetic ministry in the South African context », In die Skriflig, ID : 10670/1.mh2vgc


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In mainline churches, the ministry of prophecy or the prophetic ministry involves the proclamation of the gospel. This, in turn, is related to the every-believer ministry. However, there is now a resurgence of the prophetic ministry as a special office as evidenced by the establishment of neo-prophetic churches. This article argues that neo-prophetic churches are tapping into people's longing for the fresh divine word to speak directly into their personal situations. The article also probes whether neo-prophets in the prophetic activities are not also preying on people's faith.

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