Ingestión y excreción de fluoruros en niños de Hermosillo, Sonora, México

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Salud Pública de México

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María Elena Barba et al., « Ingestión y excreción de fluoruros en niños de Hermosillo, Sonora, México », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.miy2ze


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"Objective. To estimate the fluoride intake and urinary excretionamong 8-9 year-old school children. Materials andmethods. A cross-sectional study was conducted from Februaryto November 1997. Study subjects were 31 malechildren from Hermosillo, Mexico, living in three neighborhoodswith different drinking water fluoride levels. Fluorideintake was measured through water intake and collectionof food samples ingested in 24 hr. Fluoride excretion wasmeasured in 24-hour urine samples. The fluoride concentrationwas measured by the potentiometer method usinga fluoride-specific ion electrode. Results. Statistically significantdifferences of fluoride levels in drinking water werefound in the 3 different neighborhoods: 2.77, 0.78 and 0.54mg/L, respectively (p< 0.01). The daily mean intake of fluoridefor the neighborhood with the highest fluoride levelwas 5.41 mg/d, while mean intakes for the other two neighborhoodswere 2.31 and 1.51 mg/d, respectively. Thirty-twopercent of the children had fluoride intake above the recommendationvalues for this age group; sixty per cent ofthese children lived in the neighborhood with the highestfluoride level. Drinking water accounted for 63% of totalfluoride intake, and the mean water intake was 1.8 liters.The mean excretion of fluoride was 1.61 mg/24 hours (range0.18 to 8.1 mg/24 hr). Stepwise multiple regression showedan association between drinking water fluoride and fluorideurinary excretion (R2= 0.56 p< 0.001). Conclusions.Fluoride intake in the neighborhood with the highest fluoridelevel was twice the daily recommended value for 8-9year-old children. Drinking water was the main source offluoride intake. The English version of this paper is availableat:"

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