Without Children at Home: Transition to Herplaces and Hisplaces

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21 février 2024


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Marianna Kostecka et al., « Without Children at Home: Transition to Herplaces and Hisplaces », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10.1007/978-3-031-50403-7_12


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The way the family home is arranged and experienced depends on various significant life events. This chapter specifically focuses on the domestic space after the children have left, particularly on the formation of individual “herplaces” and “hisplaces” that reflect the reconfiguration of new domestic roles. Drawing on 77 dyadic and 121 individual qualitative interviews conducted in Poland and France, the authors explore gender differences in the desire to have a personal space. While the most noticeable change involves the decision to have a personal bedroom or study, the authors also identify other, more subtle practices that contribute to enhancing the sense of privacy and intimacy at home in the absence of children. These new practices include innovative ways of using common areas and establishing new rituals such as taking long baths, napping, or lounging on the sofa to create a sense of comfort and relaxation. The chapter delves into the challenges and ambivalence experienced by parents, particularly mothers, during the transition to an empty nest.

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