Determining lead sources in Mexico using the lead isotope ratio

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Salud Pública de México

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Luz Helena Sanín et al., « Determining lead sources in Mexico using the lead isotope ratio », Salud Pública de México, ID : 10670/1.ms9spp


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"Objective. Lead poisoning can, in some cases, be traced toa specific route or source of exposure on the basis of theindividual’s blood lead isotope ratio. To assess the majorsource of lead exposure among women residing in MexicoCity, we compared blood, ceramic, and gasoline lead isotoperatios. Material and Methods. The study population,randomly selected from participants of a large trial, (1/1996-12/1996) comprised of 16 women whose lead levelsexceeded 10 g/dl and who reported using lead-glazedceramics. Lead isotope ratios were performed on a PerkinElmer 5000 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer(ICP-MS) interfaced with a Perkin Elmer HGA-600MSElectrothermal Vaporization System (ETV). Results. Theisotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb) ofboth the blood specimens and their corresponding ceramicspecimens were highly correlated, with r=0.9979, r2=0.9958,r=0.9957, r2=0.9915 and r=0.9945, r2=0.9890 values for thethree isotope ratios, respectively, suggesting that the leadexposure most likely resulted from the use of these ceramic.Measurements of lead isotope ratios from leaded gasolinein use at the time of blood sampling, differed from those inblood and ceramics. Conclusions. Determining lead isotoperatios can be an efficient tool to identify a major source oflead exposure and to support the implementation of publichealth prevention and control measures."

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