Culture matérielle et appartenances ethniques : quelques questions posées par les nécropoles d’El-Deir (oasis de Kharga, Égypte)

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Material Culture and Ethnic Affiliations: a few Issues raised by the necropoleis of El‑Deir (Kharga oasis, Egypt) The settlement history of the oasis of Kharga, in the southern part of the Libyan desert in Western Egypt, has long been associated with the colonization of the area from the reign of Darius I onwards and the introduction of a specific type of irrigation technology, supposedly derived from Persia: the qanât. This has lead archaeologists to scrutinise the material record for traces of a Persian population. In the light of recent investigations it appears, however, that settlement probably began somewhat earlier during the Saite dynasty: it cannot necessarily be linked to the introduction of the qanât and doesn’t imply a Persian presence. At the same time, the necropoleis of El-Deir, north of the oasis, has yielded material that cannot plausibly be linked to such a settlement whilst at the same time furnishing evidence of local imitations of Persian bronze-working for the purposes of elite self-fashioning.

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