Factors that influence the selection of a TecNM Campus: design and validation of a measurement instrument

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1 juin 2022

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Eduardo Rafael Poblano-Ojinaga et al., « Factors that influence the selection of a TecNM Campus: design and validation of a measurement instrument », RIDE. Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo, ID : 10670/1.mx3ksk


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The paper presents the design and validation process of a measurement instrument (MI), developed to identify the factors that influence the selection of a bachelor program. The academic programs studied are offered by Tecnológico Nacional de México - TecNM, at the Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua and Guaymas Sonora, Mexico campuses. The methodology of this study was developed in two stages, the first stage of the process is considered a preliminary version of the questionnaire with 16 items, which was tested and validated with data collected in the 2018 and 2019 enrollments. The second stage is the statistical analysis of the data and the results show that the Cronbach's coefficient values and the composite reliability values exceed the established critical values; Through confirmatory factor analysis, it is proved that the instrument also estimates the parameters identified in the literature and contained in the theoretical model of this work. The empirical results allow to conclude that the measurement instrument, in general terms, is valid and reliable for its use.

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