Identifying the small rural family business based on the categorization of family farming

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1 août 2022

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Mariana Marcelino-Aranda et al., « Identifying the small rural family business based on the categorization of family farming », Cuadernos de Administración (Universidad del Valle), ID : 10670/1.n1iweu


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Supporting the continuity of rural family businesses through entrepreneurial strategies requires understanding the characteristics of their agricultural context. Therefore, the aim of this work is to categorize family farming to profile it and assess its potential and limitations for development into small rural family businesses. The work methodology is the qualitative descriptive approach. Through fieldwork in the rural community of San Antonio Portezuelo, in the state of Puebla, Mexico; the analysis method is applied to the family farming categorization, which is defined by seven variables: production destination, formation of the family farming (family involvement), number of hectares, infrastructure, diversification in terms of activities, market coverage and productive cycle. The results provide information at the local level in a developing country such as Mexico. Furthermore, they provide the grounds for recognizing subsistence farming and farming in transition and lay the foundations for designing business intervention programs that help transform the potential of small family businesses into tangible results.

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