From Quality Assurance to Value Management to Improve Training and Increase All Actors' Competencies

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Walter Nuninger et al., « From Quality Assurance to Value Management to Improve Training and Increase All Actors' Competencies », HAL-SHS : sociologie, ID : 10.4018/978-1-4666-9455-2.ch016


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The construction of European Higher Education Area had urged the Higher Education providers to improve their operations for readability, trade and mutual recognition. The recent socio-economical phenomena had raised difficulties: a new and more constraint frame (funds reduction, greater profitability, autonomy of universities in France); evolution of the public's expectations symbolized by the “digital natives” (entirely connected urging instant satisfaction) and change of paradigm for actors facing complexity. These issues enhance the necessity of Quality Management for sustainability; by obligation or voluntary initiative, it is an opportunity to develop innovative trainings relying on the collective and intercultural skilled workforce. This paper shows how HE providers implement Quality Assurance; mainly focusing on organization. A feedback on trainings with distinct history will stress the operational aspect; bringing out good practices: trainers are customers too! Finally, a prospect will be done by focusing on social responsibility to involve the workforce in the process.

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