Unités pastorales, nouvelles paroisses : Bilan et perspectives en Suisse alémanique

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Sous la devise « Mettre la foi en jeu », le diocèse de Bâle a lancé en 2006 son « Plan pastoral de développement ». Celui-ci veut ouvrir les structures traditionnelles de l’Église multitudiniste à un élan missionnaire. Le diocèse mise pour cela sur un mélange intelligent entre guidance et auto-organisation locale. Pour l’instant, la nouvelle structure est avant tout une affaire des agents pastoraux professionnels : pour les fidèles, les unités pastorales ne sont que lentement perceptibles.

With the motto “Putting faith in action”, the diocese of Basel in 2006 launched its “Pastoral Development Plan” (PEP). The aim of the plan is to open up the traditional structures of the ‘multitudinist’ (broad) Church to a missionary impetus. To this end, the diocese is relying on an intelligent combination of guidance and local self-organisation: from “above” came the new territorial reorganisation, the key pastoral points and the exact process for establishing the new “pastoral units”. With this information, local concepts can be elaborated from “below”. The latter, with the approval of the diocese, constitute the necessary basis for future collaboration.For the moment, the new structure principally affects professional pastoral workers: for the faithful, the pastoral units are only gradually becoming visible. This fact is no doubt connected to the strong local traditions in Switzerland. Alongside a more intense cooperation on the basic services offered (sacraments, catechesis), the new structure allows for a heightened development of regional services, thanks to which services can be extended to areas that have to date not yet been reached. Individual parishes are given a particular “profile”: they take on specific pastoral accents that will benefit the entire region.

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