A Climate Change Capitalisation Knowledge Inventory Platform. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society|

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3 février 2016

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Hermann Klug et al., « A Climate Change Capitalisation Knowledge Inventory Platform. GI_Forum 2014 – Geospatial Innovation for Society| », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.ng20nt


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In the past decades, climate changes became increasingly noticed. As a result of these changes, many extreme events such as flooding and droughts occur. These have an expected increasing impact on society and the environment. Especially the Alps are affected with a stronger increasing temperature compared to the rest of Europe. As a societal reaction, adaptation strategies and tools have been launched. Among the adaptation tools are web-based adaptation platforms, which are assumed to be important governance tools. They support knowledge brokerage, awareness raising, capacity building, and crosslevel coordination. Within this manuscript we identify available platforms and previous Alpine Space Programme projects and their interdisciplinary and cross-subject climate change related information. We analyse available portals and elaborate design and user requirements for the Climate Change Knowledge Inventory Platform developed here. We found that many previously developed platforms integrate similar information, but automated information exchange between platforms is scarce due to interoperability limitations. To avoid these double works of entering the same findings again, our developed catalogue service for the web solution ensures standard compliant information provision to enable interoperability and thus the exchange of climate change information across platforms.

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