Characterization of Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Urban Solid Waste in Baja California: A Proposal to Incorporate Technical Input into Decision-Making

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1 décembre 2015

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Gabriela Muñoz Meléndez et al., « Characterization of Greenhouse Gases Emissions from Urban Solid Waste in Baja California: A Proposal to Incorporate Technical Input into Decision-Making », Frontera norte, ID : 10670/1.njcqp2


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This study details estimates of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from urban solid waste in Baja California using the IPCC 1996 method. Calculations showed an increase of 0.604 Gg/year for the period 1990-2010. The forecast for emissions predicts a continuous increase for the next 35 years. Seven mitigation scenarios were developed: 1) 30 percent emission reduction, 2) biodigester, 3) a comprehensive option, 4) biowindows, 5) composting, 6) vermicomposting, and 7) biocover. Results from scenario building showed that it is possible to design actions or even combine strategies, with the most effective being those including social components and technological options.

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