Household Adoption of Water-Efficient Equipment: The Role of Socio-economic Factors, Environmental Attitudes and Policy

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Katrin Millock et al., « Household Adoption of Water-Efficient Equipment: The Role of Socio-economic Factors, Environmental Attitudes and Policy », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1007/s10640-010-9360-y


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Using survey data of 10,000 households from 10 OECD countries, we identify the driving factors of household adoption of water-efficient equipment by estimating Probit models of a household's probability to invest in such equipment. The results indicate that environmental attitudes and ownership status are strong predictors of adoption of water-efficient equipment. In terms of policy, we find that households that were both metered and charged for their water individually had a much higher probability to invest in water-efficient equipment compared to households that paid a flat fee.

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