Performing Arts and Theories of Knowledge: poetic research on the scene in the light of Thomas Kuhn’s ideas

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8 juin 2023

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Mariana Baruco Machado Andraus, « Performing Arts and Theories of Knowledge: poetic research on the scene in the light of Thomas Kuhn’s ideas », Revista Brasileira de Estudos da Presença, ID : 10670/1.nq2qxk


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This paper discusses the knowledge production in dance, as well as its dissemination. The distinctions between theories of knowledge and knowledge production are examined, seeking a commitment to the study of knowledge already produced in the field of dance and the involvement with the production of knowledge from the artistic practice.

Cet article problématise la production des savoirs en danse, ainsi que leur diffusion. Les distinctions entre théories de la connaissance et production de connaissances sont examinées, cherchant un engagement dans l’étude des connaissances déjà produites dans le domaine de la danse et l’implication dans la production de connaissances à partir de la pratique artistique.

Este artigo problematiza a produção de conhecimento em dança, bem como sua difusão. Perscrutam-se as distinções entre teorias do conhecimento e produção de conhecimento, buscando um compromisso com o estudo de saberes já produzidos no campo da dança e o envolvimento com a produção de conhecimento a partir da prática artística.

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