Influence of corporate distance training in english on the efficiency of international cooperation development

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1 avril 2023

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Skills training

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Maria Borodina et al., « Influence of corporate distance training in english on the efficiency of international cooperation development », Conrado, ID : 10670/1.nwe56d


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In modern conditions, a large part of professional life is occupied by the information space and innovative educational technologies of distance and e-learning. Distance learning is becoming equivalent to full-time education, but is implemented with the help of various online services. However, it exists not only in universities but is also very relevant and convenient for companies that are engaged in the development of their staff through corporate training. The study analyzes corporate training in a professional foreign language, as well as the possibilities of distance learning in the system of corporate training. Based on a survey, the study identifies current trends in the use and organization of corporate training of personnel in a professional foreign language in Russian companies, as well as the factors affecting the quality of corporate training in the distance mode. The article concludes that corporate training in a professional foreign language can meet the needs of each specialist in accordance with the specific requirements of their job.

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