Characterizing the response space of questions: a corpus study for English and polish

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11 septembre 2019

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Jonathan Ginzburg et al., « Characterizing the response space of questions: a corpus study for English and polish », HAL-SHS : linguistique, ID : 10.18653/v1/W19-5937


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The main aim of this paper is to provide a characterization of the response space for questions using a taxonomy grounded in a dialogical formal semantics. As a starting point we take the typology for responses in the form of questions provided in (Lupkowski and Ginzburg, 2016). This work develops a wide coverage taxonomy for question/question sequences observable in corpora including the BNC, CHILDES, and BEE, as well as formal modelling of all the postulated classes. Our aim is to extend this work to cover all responses to questions. We present the extended typology of responses to questions based on a corpus studies of BNC, BEE and Maptask with include 506, 262, and 467 question/response pairs respectively. We compare the data for English with data from Polish using the Spokes corpus (205 question/response pairs). We discuss annotation reliability and disagreement analysis. We sketch how each class can be formalized using a dialogical semantics appropriate for dialogue management.

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