Resentment and Terrorism - roots and fruits

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Aleksandra Bulatović, « Resentment and Terrorism - roots and fruits », Repository of Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory of the University in Belgrade, ID : 10670/1.oa0p65


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This paper is presenting concepts of resentment defined within the wide scope of feelings such as bitterness, disliking, jealousy, envy, etc., in the context of ongoing international and national efforts to concieve an adequate response to terrorist attacks and fear from terrorism. Although there is a lack of agreement between scholars and policy-makers marking the contemporary discourse in relation to determination whether resentment is the cause or it is the consequence of terrorism, resentment is typically reffered to as the key concept to understand terrorism. By outlining several diffrent approaches to resentment concept frameworks, author is trying to point out that in research oriented towards phenomenon of terrorism and designing of efficient and sustainable anti-terrorist policy, multidisciplinary approach is needed. U kontekstu napora da se u odgovoru na terorističke napade i strah od terorizima kreira odgovarajuća međunarodna i nacionalna politika, u tekstu su razmatrani različiti koncepti revolta pojmovno određenog kroz široki dijapazon osećanja koja uključuju mržnju ogorčenost, antipatiju, nesviđanje itd. Naime, bez obzira na neslaganje teoretičara ali i onih koji politički odlučuju, a koje postoji u savremenom diskursu u pogledu pozicioniranja u vremenu spram terorizma (da li je terorizam posledica ili je terorizam uzrok), revolt se tipično navodi kao koncept ključan za razumevanje terorizma. Putem skiciranja nekih različitih pristupa određenju koncepta revolta, autorka nastoji da ukaže na pravac kojim bi trebalo ići ka kreiranju efikasne i održive antiterorističke politike.

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