Risk of Death and Aggressions Encountered while Illegally Crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border

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Migraciones Internacionales

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Pedro Paulo Orraca Romano et al., « Risk of Death and Aggressions Encountered while Illegally Crossing the U.S.-Mexico Border », Migraciones Internacionales, ID : 10670/1.oei72k


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"This article analyzes the type of migrant who is most likely to be exposed to the risk of death or be a victim of aggression by u .S. authorities while illegally crossing the u .S.- m exico border, and the impact this has on the future migration inten - tions of repatriated or deported individuals. o n the basis of a logistic regression analysis, the study shows that those most vulnerable to risk or aggressions are first-time migrants who hire the services of human smugglers. Furthermore, mi - grants who were previously exposed to the risk of death or whose belongings were confiscated and never returned are less likely to engage in subsequent migration attempts. Finally, being a victim of physical or verbal abuse at the hands of u .S. Border Patrol agents is unrelated to future migration intentions."

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