Interpretive Archaeology: Historiography of the Ancient World

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21 novembre 2023

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Alain Duplouy, « Interpretive Archaeology: Historiography of the Ancient World », HAL-SHS : archéologie, ID : 10670/1.ord5r6


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This seminar was offered to University of Columbia students while I was the Alliance visiting professor there during the winter-spring semester of 2022. The objective of the seminar was to bring a historiographical dimension to the training of students enrolled in archaeology and art history of the ancient world or Classics, by providing them with the keys to various readings of ancient Greek societies and their material culture and the way these have been constantly renewed since the nineteenth century. Two main themes were addressed during the semester through dedicated lectures, reading lists, class presentations, and group discussions: (a) The cult of the dead: heroes, ancestors, and the ordinary dead ; (b) Style and society: identity and community.

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