La dénonciation des Juifs en Pologne pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale

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Jan Grabowski, « La dénonciation des Juifs en Pologne pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale », Archives Juives, ID : 10670/1.ovg0de


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The denunciations of Jews in Poland during the Second World WarThe plague of denunciations and the proliferation of informers was identified by the Polish resistance as one of the most dangerous threats to the internal cohesion of Polish society under the German occupation. This threat was nowhere as present and as wide-spread as in the case of Polish Jews who became the target of preference for people of bad will. The denunciation of the Jews in occupied Poland concerned the prized Jewish possessions, businesses and real estate. Interestingly, Jews were frequently denounced by Poles without any ulterior motives - other than obvious hostility to people who “passed for Aryans”, and who refused to wear the armbands with the star of David. During the later period, after the liquidations of the ghettos, Jews who went into hiding were often given away to the Polish “blue” police, a collaborationist police force which added greatly to Jewish suffering. The files of the German courts established in Poland during the war as well as the post-war investigations into war-time collaboration offer a unique opportunity to study the scale and characteristics of the phenomenon of denunciation in Poland.

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