Surveillance Impact Report – IRISS Deliverable D3.2 (June 2014)

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15 juin 2014

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Jaro Sterbik-Lamina et al., « Surveillance Impact Report – IRISS Deliverable D3.2 (June 2014) », Elektronisches Publikationsportal der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschafte, ID : 10670/1.owcjdk


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Deliverable No. D3.2 of the (FP7-) Project "IRISS – Increasing Resilience in Surveillance Societies". Objective: To investigate societal effects of different surveillance practices from a multi-disciplinary social science and legal perspective.Further authors in alphabetical order: Bellanova, Rocco; Bergersen, Stine; Bonns, Wolfgang; Burgess, J. Peter; Ceresa, Alessia; Dahm, Sebastian; Fischer, Daniel; Fonio, Chiara; Friedewald, Michael; Galdon Clavell, Gemma; Galletta, Antonella; Goos, Kerstin; Jones, Richard; Kreissl, Reinhard; Lastic, Eric; LeLeux, Charles; Neumann, Alexander; Norris, Clive; Raab, Charles; Szekely, Ivan; Vissy, Beatrix; Webster, William; Zurawski, Nils

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