Factors favouring and hindering the development of organic farming in France: a multilevel analysis

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15 septembre 2014

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Laure Latruffe et al., « Factors favouring and hindering the development of organic farming in France: a multilevel analysis », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10670/1.pduk99


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Organic farming covers just 3.5% of the utilised agricultural area (UAA) in France (2011 Agence Bio figures). Sales statistics show that a mere 2.3% of the French food market came from organic farming in 2008. The French government's Environment Forum ("Grenelle de l'Environnement") set as a target to triple the size of the organic farming area in five years. Yet if this is to happen, it is vital to gain a better understanding of the socio-economic factors that drive and hinder conversion to organic farming, whether farm factors (structure and practices) or market access factors. The PEPP project is original in that it draws on three studies conducted at different levels, which bring complementary perspectives to the debate: the farm (Part 1), the municipality in which the farm is established (Part 2), and the sector (especially the downstream part) to which the farm belongs (Part 3).

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