The Reluctant Transformation: State Industrialization, Religion, and Human Capital in Nineteenth-Century Egypt

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13 mars 2015

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Industrial development

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Mohamed Saleh, « The Reluctant Transformation: State Industrialization, Religion, and Human Capital in Nineteenth-Century Egypt », HAL-SHS : économie et finance, ID : 10.1017/S0022050715000030


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In 1805-1882, Egypt embarked on one of the earliest state industrialization programs. Using a new data source, the Egyptian nineteenth-century population censuses, I examine the impact of the program on the long-standing inter-religious human capital differentials, which were in favor of Christians. I find that there were inter-religious differentials in reaping the benefits (or losses) of industrialization. The first state industrialization wave was de-skilling among Muslims but up-skilling among Christians, while the second wave was up-skilling for both groups. I interpret the results within Lawrence F. Katz and Robert A. Margo (2013) framework of technical change.

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