Validation of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest Scale in Colombia

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1 juin 2018

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Ilaria Durosini et al., « Validation of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest Scale in Colombia », Suma Psicológica, ID : 10670/1.ppzaqr


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This paper presents a theoretical review of the psychological construct of human curiosity and the Colombian version of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest Scale. This is a two-factor self-report scale that assesses the attitude and the interest that people have to explore their own inner world. Two paired samples for gender, age and working class of Colombian (n = 170) and Italian (n = 195) participants (N = 365) were included in the study. Confirmatory Factor Analysis revealed a good fit of the data to the two-factor model of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest Scale in Italian and Colombian subjects (respectively, x 2(13) =16.073, p = .245 and x 2(13) =10.352, p = .665). Also, Measurement Invariance Analysis suggested equivalent factor structures (Configurai Invariance, x 2 (26) = 26.423, p = .440) and factor loadings across the two groups (Metric Invariance, x 2 (31) = 34.242, p = .315). The results do not support scalar invariance (x 2 (38) = 82.058, p < .001). Data suggest concurrent validity of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest in the Colombian group, welding evidence for the scale application in the Colombian context. In conclusion, the results posit that the two-factor model of the Self-Curiosity Attitude-Interest Scale is adequate in Colombia; the psychological construct of self-curiosity is conceived similarly in Colombia and in Italy, and the scale has expected correlations with other relevant psychological constructs.

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