Reimagining mission in the public square: Engaging hills and valleys in the African City of Tshwane

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1 mars 2014

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Thinandavha D. Mashau, « Reimagining mission in the public square: Engaging hills and valleys in the African City of Tshwane », HTS Theological Studies, ID : 10670/1.qbsk4s


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This article seeks to map out the future of Christian mission in the city context. African cities like Tshwane are not only expanding, but also present the church with a new frontier that needs to be crossed without crossing geographical boundaries. This article indicates that life in the City of Tshwane is paradoxically placed. Whilst life in the valleys of Tshwane is like walking in the valley of the shadow of death, those on the high hills (the places of power) continue with their dominance and pretence as solution providers, whilst hiding the presence of those who are marginalised. This article proposes that the future of the Christian mission lies not only in identifying those powers, but also in engaging them in a transformative way so as to usher the justice and shalom of God into this highly contested space.

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