Woodland-chaparral type of Digger pine, Quercus durata and Arctostaphylos viscida on shallow soil area of Serpentine formation. Associated species: Umbellularia californica (scrub form) and Ceanothus cuneatus. Nontimber site. South slope of Hotchkiss Hill, 1 mile E from Georgetown.

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25 juin 2019

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H.A. Jensen, « Woodland-chaparral type of Digger pine, Quercus durata and Arctostaphylos viscida on shallow soil area of Serpentine formation. Associated species: Umbellularia californica (scrub form) and Ceanothus cuneatus. Nontimber site. South slope of Hotchkiss Hill, 1 mile E from Georgetown. », Berkeley Library Digital Collections, ID : 10670/1.qng0yw


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