Expiry of Unemployment Benefits: What Impact on Post-Unemployment Job Satisfaction?

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Damien Euzenat, « Expiry of Unemployment Benefits: What Impact on Post-Unemployment Job Satisfaction? », Economie et Statistique, ID : 10.24187/ecostat.2018.503d.1957


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This paper provides statistical information on job-seekers’ satisfaction with jobs found either side of a period of unemployment. Based on an ad hoc survey on the paths of unemployed people on benefit (Parcours des demandeurs d’emploi indemnisés, 2013) – it examines whether job satisfaction differs when a job is found just before or after the expiry of benefit entitlements. The analysis first shows that elements other than remuneration and stability contribute to satisfaction with a job, and particularly its intrinsic value. Secondly, job-seekers finding a job after the expiry of entitlements are less satisfied than those who find one in the period near before the expiry of entitlements (during the month-and-a-half preceding it). Lastly, for job-seekers who had significantly reduced their consumption expenditure during their period of unemployment, satisfaction with jobs found nearing the expiry of entitlements tends to be lower than with those found well before this period.

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