Professional development online: The impact of the ASYMPTOTE MOOC on (future) teachers’ meta-didactical praxeologies

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10 juillet 2023

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Eugenia Taranto et al., « Professional development online: The impact of the ASYMPTOTE MOOC on (future) teachers’ meta-didactical praxeologies », HAL-SHS : sciences de l'éducation, ID : 10670/1.qqasfm


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This paper focuses on a professional development programme delivered via MOOC in order to introduce future and in-service mathematics teachers to the ASYMPTOTE system. It is a two-component system (web portal and app) designed to enable teachers to provide synchronous and adaptive mathematics lessons online. Since (future) teachers are involved in activities in which they work and learn in contact with researchers, the MOOC instructors, it is significant to focus on how participation in the MOOC influenced the meta-didactical praxeologies of its participants by considering the Meta-Didactical Transposition (MDT) model. The data we consider is derived from participants’ answers to questionnaires and their creations using the ASYMPTOTE system. The findings showed that the MOOC enabled teachers to get familiar with the ASYMPTOTE system and be able to use its affordances to an extent.

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